In a tumultuous turn of events, Air India Express finds itself embroiled in a crew crisis, exacerbating the disruptions already plaguing its flight operations. The situation, marked by last-minute sick leaves and subsequent flight cancellations, has thrown a wrench into the airline’s operations, leaving passengers stranded and schedules in disarray.
Since Tuesday night, the airline has grappled with the cancellation of more than 90 flights, adding to the mounting challenges surrounding the ongoing merger within the Tata Group’s aviation ventures. With 40 flights axed daily until May 13 and a staggering 74 cancellations reported on Thursday alone due to a shortage of cabin crew, the magnitude of the disruption becomes glaringly evident.
The severity of the situation prompted Air India Express to take swift action, resulting in the termination of approximately 30 cabin crew members. This measure followed a concerning episode where nearly 300 employees, predominantly cabin crew, reported sick and remained inaccessible by phone, exacerbating the operational turmoil. As tensions escalated, the management issued an ultimatum, mandating the return to work by 4 pm under the looming threat of further repercussions.
Sources reveal that underlying the turmoil are simmering grievances among the workforce, primarily revolving around dissatisfaction with revised employment terms. Allegations of unequal treatment and discrepancies in job assignments have surfaced, fueling discontentment within the ranks. Moreover, concerns regarding alterations to compensation packages have further exacerbated the discontent among employees.
This crisis unfolds against the backdrop of Air India Express’ ongoing merger with AIX Connect, formerly known as AirAsia India, adding another layer of complexity to the already turbulent scenario. The repercussions of this turmoil ripple beyond operational setbacks, casting a shadow on the Tata Group’s aviation ventures, coming on the heels of disruptions faced by Vistara, its full-service carrier, due to pilot protests.
Amidst the chaos, the intervention of the regional labor commissioner sheds light on the gravity of the situation. In a communique to Air India Chairman Natarajan Chandrasekaran and others, the regional labor commissioner underscored the legitimacy of the staff’s grievances, highlighting apparent mismanagement and violations of labor laws. The absence of responsible decision-makers in conciliation proceedings further underscores the severity of the management’s missteps.
As Air India Express grapples with internal strife and operational challenges, restoring normalcy to flight operations remains a daunting task. The resolution of underlying grievances and effective management of the merger process emerge as imperative steps to navigate through this turbulent period and regain the trust of passengers and stakeholders alike.